Aportes a un debate sobre el futuro de la integración latinoamericana y del Mercosur


  • Félix Peña UNTREF




Today's world is more populated and more connected. According to the trends observed, these are features that will tend to be accentuated in the coming decades. In a world with these characteristics, Argentina can, if it intends to, develop normal and eventually intense trade relations with all countries, especially those with which it shares specific interests. But this is a strategy that would imply consolidating the close preferential relationship that the country has agreed in 1991 with its Mercosur partners, based on the agreement that a few years earlier had been signed between Argentina and Brazil by Presidents Raúl Alfonsín and José Sarney.


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How to Cite

Peña, F. (2021). Aportes a un debate sobre el futuro de la integración latinoamericana y del Mercosur. International Relations, 30(60), 122. https://doi.org/10.24215/23142766e022