Integration and development

The origins of Euro-Latin American pilgrimages


  • Lorenza Sebesta Universidad de BolognaRepresentacion en Argentina



integration, development, Europe, Latin America


The article tries to sketch the richness of thinking about integration at the time of the birth of both the European and Latin American regional organizations in the 1950s and 1960s. It does so by offering some insights into the experiences, attitudes, and visions of three paradigmatic European intellectuals who were involved in the debate on integration on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. While the first two, Pierre Uri and Ernst B. Haas, never went beyond a cursory experience and knowledge about Latin America, the third, Albert Hirschman, developed a profound empathy with the whole region. Their different positions on the question of integration, on its economic and political prerequisites and its connection to modernization, offer us convincing evidence of the irreducibility of integration studies to some abstract theories.


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Author Biography

Lorenza Sebesta, Universidad de BolognaRepresentacion en Argentina

Profesora Jean Monnet ad personam directora Centro de Excelencia Jean Monnet Universidad de Bologna, representacion en Argentina


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How to Cite

Sebesta, L. (2021). Integration and development: The origins of Euro-Latin American pilgrimages. International Relations, 30(60), 129.