Post-neoliberalism, post-Covid-19 pandemic and global civil society
post-neoliberalism, post-Covid-19 Pandemic, global civil society, anti-capitalist movements, mulitilayered democratic governanceAbstract
The neoliberal globalization drives the social, economic, cultural, and ideological worldwide processes in the 21st century, which takes precedence to the division of each nation, community, region, and the pattern of thinking, including the constructions of walls, huge numbers of refugee and emigrations, and many conflict and terrorist activities.
According to a 2019 Oxfam’s report, a new billionaire is created every two days and the world’s 26 richest people own as much as the poorest 50 percent. By making this polarization and inequality escalate, neoliberal globalization has fueled the chronic problem of overaccumulation and militarization.
This article focuses on the present of neoliberal globalization under the Covid-19 pandemic. It entails a critical reconsideration of modern capitalism, which now brings deep misery to human history, including poverty, refugees, immigration, transnational crimes, climate change and pandemic. Furthermore, fundamental human rights are violated as a consequence of the utter control of the market, competition, and deregulation by multinational companies.
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