The African Union in argentine foreign policy (2003-2015)


  • Pablo Exequiel Virasoro


Foreign policy, south-south cooperation, Africa, African Union


In a context of revaluation of autonomy in foreign policy, characterized by the diversification of links with non-traditional actors and expansion of South-South Cooperation, between 2003 and 2015 Argentina did not build a strategic plan for international insertion in Africa, which contemplated the institutions of continental and regional political and economic integration. On the contrary, it maintained an inertia of impulses oriented exclusively to bilateral relations, and limited thematically, which was not consistent with the opportunities offered by the progress of integration in the continent, especially in areas of development in which Argentina had outstanding capabilities for the construction of South-South cooperation agendas that would have contributed to increase the density of relations with the continent.


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Author Biography

Pablo Exequiel Virasoro

Abogado (UNL, 1997), Mágister en Política Económica Internacional (UB, 2002) y Doctor en Relaciones Internacionales (IRI, UNLP, 2021). Diplomático de carrera desde 2001, se ha desempeñado como Cónsul en La Habana (2004-2009), México (2011-2016) y desde 2017, es titular del Consulado Argentino en Salvador de Bahía.


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How to Cite

Virasoro, P. E. (2021). The African Union in argentine foreign policy (2003-2015). International Relations, 30(61). Retrieved from



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