Autonomy and strategic value of peripheral countries: Literature review and theoretical proposal




autonomy, strategic value, asymmetric relations, operating margin, peripheral countries


This article explores theoretically the power that weaker States have in the hierarchical relations of the international system. This question is first addressed on the basis of a detailed literature review on the concepts of autonomy and strategic value. While the former has been widely discussed in various academic circles, mainly in Latin America; the latter lacks any in-depth reflections, despite the intimate link between the two and despite being mentioned by various authors. In view of this thematic gap, the last section of the article presents a theoretical reflection on this concept, its operationalization through the identification of its different components, its characteristics and its relevance. It is argued that the perceived strategic value of peripheral countries by the great powers is a fundamental conditional variable to understand such asymmetrical relations and that its incorporation in subsequent empirical analyses is essential.


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Author Biography

Lautaro Nahuel Rubbi, Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE) - CONICET

Dr. en Estudios Internacionales (UTDT). Mg. en Estudios Internacionales (UTDT). Posgrado en Seguridad Internacional, Desarme y No Proliferación (NPSGlobal). Lic. en Gobierno y Relaciones Internacionales (UADE). Lic. en Política y Administración Pública (UADE).

Director de la Lic. en Gobierno y Relaciones Internacionales (UADE) y de la Lic. en Política y Administración Pública (UADE). Docente adjunto en las cátedras de Teoría de las Relaciones Internacionales, Política y Seguridad Internacional, Estrategia y Negociación, Metodología de la Investigación Social y Trabajo de Investigación Final.


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How to Cite

Rubbi, L. N. (2022). Autonomy and strategic value of peripheral countries: Literature review and theoretical proposal. International Relations, 31(62), 147.