Ideas y política exterior: la comunidad epistémica de defensa argentina y su rol en la cooperación regional


  • Marina Vitelli


While some analysis explain the creation of the South American Defense Council on the basis of power related variables, such as the Brazilian regional leadership strategy, in this article we underline an ideational factor. From our point of view we argue that a network of Argentinean defense experts and political actors, an epistemic community, were the leading agents of an innovation process as regards the ideas concerning regional security and national defense during the 80s and 90s, diffusing their thinking to Brazil and the rest of the Southern Cone. After laying out the conceptual framework, the article describes the aforementioned epistemic community and tracks down the evolution of the idea of regional security as an antecedent of the SADC.


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How to Cite

Vitelli, M. (2015). Ideas y política exterior: la comunidad epistémica de defensa argentina y su rol en la cooperación regional. International Relations, 24(48). Retrieved from


