Más allá del Pari Passu


  • Susana Nudelsman Universidad de Buenos Aires


Sovereign debt crises are a critical aspect of developing countries. In the past, debt restructurings were undertaken more quickly than in recent times. A certain group of creditors, the so known “vulture funds”, have great incentives not to participate in the renegotiations in hope of full repayment. Given the limitations of the contractual approach to overcome collective action problems, there has been growing interest in the statutory approach. The vicissitudes around the Argentina debt are an opportunity to reconsider the issue. Undoubtedly, developing countries have the potential to improve their economic performance; however, it is also necessary to improve the functioning of the sovereign debt markets.


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Author Biography

Susana Nudelsman, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Doctora en Economía por UBA. Estudios de Economía Internacional, Graduate Institute,Geneva. Profesora de Maestría de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la UBA. Ha sido Profesora de la Licenciatura y el Doctorado en Economía e Investigadora del Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas de la misma institución; docente e investigadora visitante en universidades de Estados Unidos; becaria del CONICET, la Comisión Fulbright, el Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development y LASA. Es evaluadora de revistas de Economía; miembro del CARI y del T20 Argentina 2018.



How to Cite

Nudelsman, S. (2015). Más allá del Pari Passu. International Relations, 24(49). Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/RRII-IRI/article/view/2395


