Neoliberal State and international insertion crises: the evolution of the positions of De la Rúa's administration around the FTAA between August 2000 and May 2001


  • Rodrigo Pascual
  • Igal kejsefman CONICET/IEALC-UBA



In this work we would like to show that the end of the subordination of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Ministry of Economy around the negotiations for the FTAA was one of the manifestations of the Convertibility crisis – and, as a result, of the international insertion that this entailed – during the Alianza’s government. Moreover,we look at the Convertibility crisis as the crisis of the social relations which supported it and which had been condensed in the form of a Neoliberal state, excluding all other elements. From this perspective, we will analyze the basic principles underlying the positions of the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs between August 2000 and May 2001, which first acquired the shape of a latent tension (from August 2000 to March 2001) and afterwards turned into open opposition (from March to May 2001).

Keywords: FTAA - Crisis of the neoliberal State – International insertion - Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Ministry of Economy


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Author Biographies

Rodrigo Pascual

Dr. En Ciencias Sociales. Docente investigador de la Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego. Instituto de Cultura, Sociedad y Estado. Este trabajo se realizó en el marco del Proyecto de investigación y desarrollo PIDUNTDF B: “La emergencia de la UNASUR y los efectos sobre la soberanía. Las posiciones de la Argentina entre 2000 – 2014”. Becario Posdoctoral del CONICET. Investigador de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes.

Igal kejsefman, CONICET/IEALC-UBA

Lic. en Economía (UBA), Mg. en Estudios Sociales Latinoamericanos (UBA), Doctorando en Cs. Sociales (UBA), Becario Doctoral (CONICET) con lugar de trabajo en el Instituto de Estudios de América Latina y el Caribe (IEALC-UBA).



How to Cite

Pascual, R., & kejsefman, I. (2018). Neoliberal State and international insertion crises: the evolution of the positions of De la Rúa’s administration around the FTAA between August 2000 and May 2001. International Relations, 27(54), 179–199.


