Trade agreements and technology. Transfer mechanisms and knowledge spillovers: empirical evidence and case studies


  • Santiago Chelala Universidad de Buenos Aires



In recent years, a growing number of countries have signed trade agreements incorporating specific clauses on technology transfer. This research analyzes the different types of clauses that were incorporated, and describes through various case studies what their concrete impact has been. In addition, it proposes an original classification that will help to examine the effect that the technological clauses of trade agreements have had on the signatory countries.

Key words: agreements, innovation, technology, spillover.



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Author Biography

Santiago Chelala, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Doctor en Economía por la Universidad de Buenos Aires, fue becario Fulbright posdoctoral en Columbia University (Nueva York), investigador visitante en la Universidad Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) y en la Universidad Lumière (Lyon), profesor en el Instituto del Servicio Exterior de la Nación (ISEN). Publicó artículos en revistas académicas de Italia, España, Argentina, México, Colombia, Venezuela y Chile. Autor de los libros Inflación Estructural y Ajuste Externo, La Era de la Inflación y Economía de la Evasión. Fue consultor del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID). Es investigador adjunto del CONICET. 



How to Cite

Chelala, S. (2018). Trade agreements and technology. Transfer mechanisms and knowledge spillovers: empirical evidence and case studies. International Relations, 27(54), 141–162.


