What has happened to international cooperation for the participation of Colombian CSOs?


  • Erli Margarita Marin-Aranguren Profesora Titular-Investigadora




This article includes a research paper that seeks to move away from the traditional mix of official development assistance (ODA) and International Cooperation (CI), to show the behavior of donors/suppliers for the consolidation of democracy, trough strengthening of civil society organizations (CSO). This in order to find: what has happened to international cooperation for the participation of Colombian civil society organizations? The reality is that while there are bets for strengthening, little is known. This research finds that CSOs contribute to the establishment of a public dialogue, social control and political participation. On the side of the providers of aid, it was found that the international cooperation agencies are generators of an enabling environment favorable to CSOs. In fact, they discover new roles for them.


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Author Biography

Erli Margarita Marin-Aranguren, Profesora Titular-Investigadora

Obtuvo un MA en Relaciones Internacionales en University of Wollongong. Cursó la maestría de Estudios Políticos en la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Es egresada de la Facultad de Comunicación Social –Periodismo de la Universidad Externado de Colombia. En la actualidad, se desempeña como Profesora Titular de la Facultad de Finanzas, Gobierno y Relaciones Internacionales. Es investigadora sobre las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, en  el Centro de Investigaciones y Proyectos Especiales, CIPE, donde pertenece tanto al observatorio de OASIS como al de OPERA. Ha sido autora y coeditora de varios libros, entre ellos, “Cooperación y academia. Una relación pendiente en Colombia” (2017), ha escrito en varias revistas académicas de España, Argentina, Brasil y Colombia.




How to Cite

Marin-Aranguren, E. M. (2018). What has happened to international cooperation for the participation of Colombian CSOs?. International Relations, 27(55), 51–67. https://doi.org/10.24215/23142766e039


