Política exterior argentina frente al conflicto palestino-israelí durante el primer gobierno de Cristina Fernández


  • Ornela Fabani Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales - Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales (UNLP).


Traditionally, the Middle East has been an unattended and relegated space of Argentine foreign policy, as it has been conceived by the country as an area of secondary importance to its international relations. However, the political, strategic, military and economic relevance of the problems present in that region demand that Argentina adopt a posture. Between these problems the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been and continues to be one of the hardest to solve because of its deep political and religious roots. This paper has as its main objective to analyze Argentine foreign policy regarding the conflict, paying particular attention to the position assumed in relation to it by the Cristina Fernandez government.


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How to Cite

Fabani, O. (2012). Política exterior argentina frente al conflicto palestino-israelí durante el primer gobierno de Cristina Fernández. International Relations, 21(43). Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/RRII-IRI/article/view/619


