Las falacias del realismo periférico. Un análisis en torno a sus costos como estrategia de política exterior


  • Nicolás Creus


The purpose of this article is to show that the strict implementation of a strategy according to the principles of peripheral realism can involve important costs and risks for the foreign policy of a State. This can be explained by the existence of multiple fallacies in the underlying assumptions of the theory that alter the equation proposed in it. These fallacies are like a veil that must be lifted in order to move towards a more sophisticated and genuine cost-benefit analysis. The fallacies exposed in the article are functional to the reduction of the costs and risks caused by confrontation policies, but at the same time produce other costs and risks which are a consequence of the implementation of an alignment strategy.


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How to Cite

Creus, N. (2013). Las falacias del realismo periférico. Un análisis en torno a sus costos como estrategia de política exterior. International Relations, 22(44). Retrieved from


