A contribuição de Bourdieu para a ciência e os objetos das Relações Internacionais


  • Marina Scotelaro Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte




Pierre Bourdieu, International Relations, Sociology of Knowledge, International Affairs


The paper questions the still incipient role of Pierre Bourdieu's sociology in understanding the objects analyzed in the field of International Relations as well as his critical understanding as a specific social field. The central argument of the article is divided into two parts. First, it points to contributions from the sociology of the fields to a critical historiography of the formation of the scientific field of International Relations. Second, it demonstrates how the notions of Bourdieu can appropriate the objects of the field, the phenomena about the “international”. In addition to a literature review of part of Bourdieu's work, a bibliographical analysis of the works of internationalist authors is carried out with the aim of contributing to the theoretical debates in the field.


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How to Cite

Scotelaro, M. (2020). A contribuição de Bourdieu para a ciência e os objetos das Relações Internacionais. International Relations, 29(58), 087. https://doi.org/10.24215/23142766e087


