Las asimetrías estructurales en el MERCOSUR: Balance a 20 años de iniciado el proceso de integración


  • Daniel Berrettoni


The first time MERCOSUR considered the structural asymmetries existing among its members was when FOCEM (MERCOSUR Structural Convergence Fund) was created. This instrument allowed for the implementation of important projects that mainly benefited Paraguay and Uruguay. However, FOCEM became ineffective as a tool both because its fixed annual budget (USD 100 million) was affected by the increase in the costs in US dollars (fewer projects can be carried out now with that budget) and because the lack of criteria to solve differences at the subnational level. Yet, the main problem, which goes beyond the debate on FOCEM’s efficiency, is the lack of a longterm strategy to deal with asymmetries. This situation is worsened by the different positions Paraguay and Uruguay have with respect to the factors that affect their
potential for development within the bloc.


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How to Cite

Berrettoni, D. (2013). Las asimetrías estructurales en el MERCOSUR: Balance a 20 años de iniciado el proceso de integración. International Relations, 22(45). Retrieved from


