Human rights and european unity: a federalist or unionist priority?


  • Luis Domínguez Castro



human rights, european integration, federalism, unionism, international court


The systematic violation of human dignity in Europe and Asia by the totalitarian powers that be during World War II placed human rights in the international relations political agenda. In this context, movements in favour of a European unification process were not unaware of such interest. In fact, both Federalists and Unionists supported a European convention on human rights as well as the creation of a Court to ensure the protection of those rights. Nevertheless, the rights to be protected and the motivation for protecting them were not the same. Moreover, the role of Pan-Europa’s, despite its early start in 1944, failed to receive much recognition.


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How to Cite

Domínguez Castro, L. . (2019). Human rights and european unity: a federalist or unionist priority?. International Relations, 28(57), 171–190.


