Judicial activism in criminal law: Sentencing below a mandatory minimum penalty by using equity


  • Eduardo Esteban Magoja Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad de Palermo




equity, judicial activism , penal scale , mandatory minimum punishment


Equity is one of Aristotle's ideas that has gone through the history of legal thought and has had an undoubted impact on the current legal interpretive theory. Despite its value, there is some suspicion about the procedure since it is believed that it significantly expands the interpretive freedom of the judge and allows him to go beyond the limits of the law. An example of this situation would be the case “Vázquez” (2021) in which the judges of the Argentine Federal Court of Cassation use equity to move away from the minimum of the penal scale. This paper aims to demonstrate that those judges did not make proper use of equity. We will see that they reinterpreted the legal remedy and ended up in unjustified judicial activism since they exceeded their normative powers without having a solid constitutional reason.


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Author Biography

Eduardo Esteban Magoja, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad de Palermo

Lawyer, Master in Philosophy of Law and Doctor in Juridical Sciences, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Professor, Department of Philosophy and General Theory of Law, School of Law (UBA). Postgraduate Professor, School of Law, Universidad de Palermo.


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How to Cite

Magoja, E. E. (2022). Judicial activism in criminal law: Sentencing below a mandatory minimum penalty by using equity. Anales De La Facultad De Ciencias Juridicas Y Sociales De La Universidad Nacional De La Plata, 19(52), 124. https://doi.org/10.24215/25916386e124



Derecho Penal