Some considerations on roman penal law


  • Romina del Valle Aramburu Universidad Nacional de La Plata



crimina , Sicariis , poisoners, parricidium, homicidium


In this paper it is generally about crimina to this etymological analysis of the voices related to the term so we can begin to understand their subsequent significance and legal implications will be made. Then referring to the legal rules governing the crimina and existing classes will. It will also take on the Cornelia treatment of Sicariis Lege et veneficiis, treatment in the sources and the positions of the various lawyers about it. an analysis from the point of view of modern criminal dogma about the objective and subjective element of the crime, intent, direct intent, and criminal responsibility that entailed, the active subject and then move to the figure of parricidium is performed, Pompeia provisions of the Act parricidiis, purpose of the law, who understood and punishment.


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Author Biography

Romina del Valle Aramburu, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Solicitor, lawyer, notary public. Specialised in Criminal Law, Authorised University Lecturer. Adjunct Professor of Roman Law, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, National University of La Plata (UNLP). Researcher (UNLP-UBA) in Roman Law.


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How to Cite

Aramburu, R. del V. (2023). Some considerations on roman penal law. Anales De La Facultad De Ciencias Juridicas Y Sociales De La Universidad Nacional De La Plata, 20(53), 164.



Derecho Romano