Constitutionally conforming interpretation and the constitutional civil judge in Argentina


  • Cecilia Soledad Carrera Universidad Blas Pascal



Constitution, constitutionally conforming interpretation , constitutional civil judge


The proposal of this essay is to conduct an analysis of the civil judge model that the Civil and Commercial Argentinian Code provides and its relationship with the constitutionally conforming interpretation. For the purpose of developing these topics,concepts related to the character of the Constitution, as the supreme norm of the legal system will be reviewed. Subsequently, the issues of interpretation and interpretation in accordance with the Constitution will be addressed. To conclude, and based on a review of the provisions of the First Chapter of the Preliminary Title of the Civil and Commercial Argentinian Code, a summary of the features of the Argentine civil magistracy model will be made.


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Author Biography

Cecilia Soledad Carrera, Universidad Blas Pascal

Master in Law, Universidad del Atlántico, Spain. Specialisation in Judicial Law and the Judiciary, Catholic University of Cordoba. Lawyer and Notary, Blas Pascal University. Distance Education Tutor, Registry Law I, Blas Pascal University. Tutor in Distance Education, Notarial Practice, Blas Pascal University. Assistant Professor in Political Law, Faculty of Law, National University of Cordoba.


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How to Cite

Carrera, C. S. (2023). Constitutionally conforming interpretation and the constitutional civil judge in Argentina. Anales De La Facultad De Ciencias Juridicas Y Sociales De La Universidad Nacional De La Plata, 20(53), 143.



Derecho Civil