The predial servitudes in the Cuban Civil Code of 1987. Brief approach to the topic from a critical perspective


  • Sissy Sánchez Guevara
  • Ana María Pereda Mirabal


servitudes, property, limitations, properties


The servitudes predial experts on one hand as patrimonial subjective rights, specifically real rights in thing unaware of use that the holder of the property servant shows; and on the other hand experts as limitations that the holder of the dominant property should support, have remarkable importance at the present time for the benefits that you/they can receive the properties so much thanks to them rustic as urban. Presently article is sought to value the regulation of the effective Cuban Civil Code of 1987 in headquarters of predial servitudes, taking into account for it the Roman root of the institution, and the current validity of the Roman legacy in this respect. This way, having like base the conceptions that it has more than enough the topic consecrate the —national and strange current doctrine—, the authors expose their approaches shortly regarding the faulty legal treatment that of these he/she makes this normative body, with the spirit of contributing from the academy to the improvement of the artificial regulation of the predial servitudes in the current Cuban Civil Code.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Guevara, S., & Pereda Mirabal, A. M. (2017). The predial servitudes in the Cuban Civil Code of 1987. Brief approach to the topic from a critical perspective. Anales De La Facultad De Ciencias Juridicas Y Sociales De La Universidad Nacional De La Plata, 13(46). Retrieved from



Derecho Civil