The furtive cut of trees and interventions of the Lex Aquilia and the Lex of the XII tables in Paul, 9 ad Sab., Digesto 47. 7. 1


  • Romina Del Valle Aramburu


steering, cutting trees, Lex Aquilia, Lex XII Tables


In the present work an analysis of an appointment of the Digest of
Justinian about the furtive cutting of Paul, 9 ad Sab, D.47.7.1 regarding the scope
of application of the Lex Aquilia In the responsibility for the damage caused on
another thing, and its eventual confluence or overlap with other legal norms, in
this case, with the Lex of the XII Tables of the oldest date, the jurists involved and
their legal works to locate them in a context Of legal training they have had in their
time. The central objective is to find a legal solution in the complex context of Roman casuistry. The method applied is the exegetical one, the most used for the study of
Roman standards and finally after analyzing the norms, positions, overlaps, and the
final result of application of the norm surpassing the Roman casuistry.


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How to Cite

Aramburu, R. D. V. (2017). The furtive cut of trees and interventions of the Lex Aquilia and the Lex of the XII tables in Paul, 9 ad Sab., Digesto 47. 7. 1. Anales De La Facultad De Ciencias Juridicas Y Sociales De La Universidad Nacional De La Plata, 14(47). Retrieved from



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