Academic and union evolution of the notary in the Argentine Republic (About the commemoration of the centenary of the first Argentine Notarial Congress 1917-2017)


  • Sebastián Justo Cosola Facultad de Derecho, Unversidad de Buenos Aires


notarial, evolution, right, academy, professional associations


the study is aimed at demonstrating conclusively and forcefully, as in the course of those years, the academic and union evolution of the Argentine notary public, founder of the International Union of Notaries and guide for the other notariats has been produced, except in the case of Spanish, has been developed with the support of national doctrine. The essential purpose of the essay is to achieve the demonstration of the relevant academic and union (collegial) evolution of the Argentine notary, while noting that the first university chair of notarial law at an international level was created by Tomás Diego Bernard at the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences of the National University of La Plata, which had among its members teachers like Carlos Emérito González, Natalio Pedro Etchegaray and Miguel Norberto Falbo among many other recognized professors of notarial law.


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How to Cite

Cosola, S. J. (2018). Academic and union evolution of the notary in the Argentine Republic (About the commemoration of the centenary of the first Argentine Notarial Congress 1917-2017). Anales De La Facultad De Ciencias Juridicas Y Sociales De La Universidad Nacional De La Plata, 15(48). Retrieved from



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