International legal cooperation in the obtaining of proof




cooperation, legal, international, proof


The International Legal Cooperation is an institute that belongs to the Private International Law in general, and in particular to the Transnational Procedural Law.Among.The issues that occupy it, and specifically within the international civil process, there is often the need to fill out and produce a proof abroad. The rules of evidence determine what information the judge must acquire to resolve the dispute and how such information should be collected. This raises some problems related to the acquisition, transmission and treatment of such information. We will approach the analysis defining the Institute of International Legal Cooperation to then undertake the delimitation between the evidentiary aspects subject to the lex fori and the lex causae, to end with the study of the procedural problems that the practice of a proof in a different State poses who is knowing in the litigation.



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Author Biography

Erika Silvina Bauger , Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Abogada, egresada con Diploma de Honor y Medalla de la UNLP. Premio “Joaquín V. González”. Prof. Auxiliar docente con funciones de Adjunta, Cátedra I, Derecho Internacional Privado, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, UNLP. Becaria de investigación en Iniciación, Perfeccionamiento y Formación Superior de SECyT de la UNLP. Miembro del AADI, ASADIP e Instituto de Derecho Internacional Privado, Colegio de Abogados de La Plata. Integrante de la Red de Profesoras de la FCJyS y del Observatorio de Enseñanza del Derecho de la UNLP.


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How to Cite

Bauger , E. S. . (2019). International legal cooperation in the obtaining of proof. Anales De La Facultad De Ciencias Juridicas Y Sociales De La Universidad Nacional De La Plata, 16(49), 015.



Derecho Internacional Privado