The Republic without sovereignty: the discussion about the legal status of Bonn´s law


  • Claudio Contreras Universidad del Salvador y de la Universidad Nacional del Noroeste de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, UNNOBA



Political science, Positivism, Kantism, Profession


In the present article we will make an analysis on the first formulation of the so called “political science” in the middle of the nigtheen century. The opposition that works on the level of the Rule of law theory, between the reduction of the legal problem on the application of the law in the cases of the jurisprudence, that is formulated by Laband, and the analysis of the fields for prosecution by the official administration, defended by Rudolph Von Stein, makes an inevitable reference to the political dimension. The tentative of formalization in politics is posed whit the objective of a general reduction of the conflictive, decisional and arbitrary domain for a transition towards a scientific rules on political procedure. In contrast whit the Polizeiwissenchaft of the XVIII century, the political science is not a rule of administrative monarchy, but a technical approach in the formation of the political class, proposed in view of a professionalization of the representative system of parties and negotiation of social interests.


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Carré de Malberg, R. (1895). Contribution à la théorie générale de l'État. Paris: CNRS Éditions.

Heuschling, L. (2002). État de droit, Rechtsstaat, rule of law. Paris, Dalloz.

Jellinek, G. (1900). Allgemeine Staatslehre. Berlin, Hölder.

Von Stein, L. (1852). System der Staatswissenschaft. Basilea: Statistik.

Von Jhering, R. (1947). Tres estudios jurídicos. Buenos Aires: Atalaya.



How to Cite

Contreras, C. . (2019). The Republic without sovereignty: the discussion about the legal status of Bonn´s law. Anales De La Facultad De Ciencias Juridicas Y Sociales De La Universidad Nacional De La Plata, 16(49), 019.



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