Integration of Teaching and Extension in the Chemistry classroom




University teaching; University extension; Integration of university functions in the classroom; Contextualized meaningful learning.


Recognizing the meaningful contributions of university Extension to the training of professionals committed to their social role and its potential to give significance to the curricular disciplinary contents, bringing a social context that gives them meaning and enables their representation, this paper addresses thoughts about the need to build new bonds between the contributions and proposals of the Extension activities developed in the Faculty of Exact Sciences and the teaching proposals. In this framework, the teaching positions that supported the design of a series of practical laboratory assignments of the subject Introduction to Chemistry are realized. These laboratory assignments are intended to motivate the learning of Chemistry through the search for possible solutions to specific problems of the nearby community, encouraging a proactive attitude of the students in the elaboration of new knowledge in and through practice. The methodological construction focuses on fostering situations that promote meaningful learning by bringing Extension to the university classroom.


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How to Cite

Sampaolesi, S., Justianovich, S. M. ., & Briand, L. E. (2020). Integration of Teaching and Extension in the Chemistry classroom. Trayectorias Universitarias, 6(11), 042.



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