The accompaniment of student academic trajectories: monitoring experience from the place of assignment in the Didactics chair FaHCE – UNLP




teaching, accompaniment strategies, evaluation, secondments membership


In the present work, we intend to report and analyze the experience of monitoring the academic trajectories of students who took the Didactics subject in a timely manner and who still, for various reasons, owe the accreditation of the final exam.

The initiative consists of designing and implementing a series of strategies aimed at accompanying the group of students who find themselves in this situation so that they can finally accredit the subject and continue their academic way.

As a strategy, we first prepare the payroll of the people who took the course between 2015 and 2020, to identify if they passed the course and corroborate if they have already promoted the end of the course. In this list, we also have contact information for students to initiate communication and from there, generate what we call "Mateadas Prefinales" which are support and orientation spaces where students can raise their needs, concerns and difficulties that arise when preparing to take the final exam in Didactics

We hope that this article will make it possible to deepen our permanent reflection as a chair on teaching practices as well as to contribute to the improvement of strategies for accompanying student trajectories and accessibility to the right to higher education.


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How to Cite

Marchese, E., & Allussón, J. S. (2021). The accompaniment of student academic trajectories: monitoring experience from the place of assignment in the Didactics chair FaHCE – UNLP. Trayectorias Universitarias, 7(12), 057.