The pedagogic tutorship and the learner’s experience: the development of habits and practice in the process of adapting to university




tutorship, student, adaptation, university


This article aims at presenting the results of an investigation about the impact of Pedagogic Tutorship from the Law and Political Sciences Department at UNLaM on the students attending the Law course of studies. Thus, firstly, the conceptual framework is presented and then, the methodological aspects. Secondly, extracts from interviews to tutored students are analyzed. These extracts allow us to identify four aspects linked to the development of habits and learner’s experience practices and their adaptation to university: the attitudinal aspect, connected to their fears and initial confusion; the autonomy, seen as freedom in direct contradiction to self-discipline; the schedule, linked to organization as a key point and the studying habits developed through methods and strategies to deal with their tasks. Finally, some conclusions are drawn from the analysis of data.


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How to Cite

Marín, L. (2021). The pedagogic tutorship and the learner’s experience: the development of habits and practice in the process of adapting to university. Trayectorias Universitarias, 7(13), 079.