College education: board to build




university teaching, disruption, platform hacking, new experiences, emergent learning


The article is an essay that traces the transformations in university teaching and the changes in the ways of learning when there is technological mediation. From multiple perspectives, it offers a kind of mapping of scenarios and alternatives for didactic decision-making in relation to the inclusion of technologies and presents some definitions and questions that will be crucial for the university institution in the coming years. In this way it interweaves institutional and political conditions; contemporary scenarios for the construction of knowledge and didactic definitions according to the cultural, technological and cognitive transformations that have become more visible in times of pandemic.  These definitions encompass decisions about the profile of today's university graduate, the curriculum and its relevance, and contemporary subjects with their emerging learning. 


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How to Cite

Lion , C. (2021). College education: board to build. Trayectorias Universitarias, 7(12), 047.