Technological Appropriation in a Scenario of Forced Digitality

The Experience of the National University of Catamarca




appropriation, teachers, National University of Catamarca


As is well known, “forced digitality” characterized university education during most of the pandemic, in a similar way to what happened at other levels of education. Taking this into account, in this work we propose to reflect on the singularities that the process of technological appropriation presented, in the educational field during the pandemic, by university teachers in Argentina. Through an approach that includes, on the one hand, the journey through the main aspects involved in the conceptual characterization of the appropriation journey and, on the other, the interpretation of the emerging information of a field activity deployed in the Catamarca university scenario, we carried out a series of specific contributions on the subject in order to collaborate with the improvement of the theoretical development regarding technological appropriation from a local perspective, in a historical context of crisis.


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How to Cite

Torres, M. A., Melendez, C., & Ibañez, C. (2021). Technological Appropriation in a Scenario of Forced Digitality: The Experience of the National University of Catamarca. Trayectorias Universitarias, 7(13), 076.