Challenges and tensions of the academic model for the comprehensive and situated formation of health careers

Health and community intervention in a pandemic, from pedagogical approaches




situated educational practice, university extension, community health, health professional profile


From an emancipatory pedagogical approach, we seek to describe and problematize the learning-teaching processes constituted in fact and extracurricularly from the Faculty of Exact Sciences of the National University of La Plata (FCE - UNLP), in the face of the health emergency by COVID-19 among students. , graduates, teachers and the people in their communities. Of the interventions carried out by multidisciplinary and inter-institutional health teams, territorial action schemes and devices were configured for the promotion, prevention, detection of COVID-19 and prevalent chronic diseases, in various popular neighborhoods of the Capital region of the province of Buenos Aires

From the investigation and characterization of the territorial health contexts, the health status of its inhabitants or the impact on health given by the discontinuity or lack of medical care in the pandemic, valuable training exchanges were generated, both for the inhabitants of the community and for the intervening health teams during the year 2020 and 2021. These were made up of students of careers related to health and its social care, together with teachers, professionals and technicians from multiple disciplines and effector institutions of the provincial health system.

The interventions carried out made it possible to prepare validated tools and protocols to collect socio-health data from more than 33,000 people in various neighborhoods. Clinical and biochemical practices were also carried out for COVID-19 diagnoses (swabs, rapid tests) or other comorbidities, calendar vaccination and/or COVID-19, measurement of clinical signs such as blood pressure (BP), oxygen saturation (Sat%O2), and interactions with people in each neighborhood, advising, listening and accompanying by telephone in confirmed cases of COVID-19.

In summary, this article proposes to reflect and discuss educational models located outside the walls and the necessary training scope, to advance in the constitution of professional profiles that recover knowledge oriented to professional action in community health and social medicine. In this particular case, we will focus on the FCE - UNLP health-related degree courses.


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How to Cite

Marson, M. E., & Mastrantonio, G. (2022). Challenges and tensions of the academic model for the comprehensive and situated formation of health careers: Health and community intervention in a pandemic, from pedagogical approaches. Trayectorias Universitarias, 8(14), 102.