A creative activity as a didactic strategy to think about epidemiology and public health in veterinary medicine





drawing, social representation, epidemiology, public health


The article herein reports on an experience which took place in the Epidemiology and Basic Public Health class of the Veterinary Medicine course from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. As a first activity, both professors and students were asked to draw their interpretation of the course’s title. The goal of this activity was to put their previous knowledge into action and to encourage the re-elaboration in a new idea. The following task included the professors’ drawings and a selection of the students’ drawings. A first descriptive analysis was made considering the characteristics in common to allow their organization into different categories. Among the results are the ideas of zoonoses, prevention, and the perspective of a future independent career. This activity showcases the potential of drawing as an educational strategy to think individually and collectively on the course contents and the career itself.


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How to Cite

Gortari, C., & Bonzo, E. (2023). A creative activity as a didactic strategy to think about epidemiology and public health in veterinary medicine. Trayectorias Universitarias, 9(17), 139. https://doi.org/10.24215/24690090e139

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