The invention of the 'disability problem' in University Higher Education




university higher education, disability, academic normality regime, standards of academic normality.


The present work tries to communicate some brief reflections around the need to 'learn to unlearn disability' in higher education, recovering the theoretical contributions of the perspectives of activism in favor of human rights. In this way, it is pointed out that the profound nature of the so-called 'problem of disability in higher education', are the standards of academic normality that are produced and reproduced in their institutions, and that regulate the production, circulation, transmission and certification of the knowledge. In this sense, it is proposed that the greatest challenge to generate institutional actions that guarantee the full participation of this sector of the population in higher education is to identify and question those normalizing standards of educational practice, based on which the student performance as expected or normal -if it conforms to these standards- or as doubtful and/or deficient -if it deviates from them-.


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How to Cite

Mareño Sempertegui, M. (2023). The invention of the ’disability problem’ in University Higher Education. Trayectorias Universitarias, 9(16), 119.