Exploring the Use of ICT in Initial Mathematics Teacher Education from the Student Perspective





ICT, teacher training, mathematics


This paper analyzes the perceptions of students enrolled in the Mathematics Teacher Education program at a public higher education institution in Argentina regarding the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) within the context of their educational trajectories.

Data were collected through a questionnaire designed to assess the use of ICT by students in their curricular activities during the Mathematics Teacher Education program at the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences at UNLPam.

An initial analysis of the curricula of the activities that comprise the study plan of the program was conducted.

The aim of this study is to identify areas of difficulty and specific training needs for the effective application of ICT.

The findings underscore the necessity for continuous contextualization and articulation between theory and practice, the promotion of a critical perspective on technology and its role in education, and the creation of meaningful experiences for the integrated use of these technologies in the initial teacher training curriculum.


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How to Cite

Botta Gioda, R. G., Reid, M., & Cavero, L. V. (2024). Exploring the Use of ICT in Initial Mathematics Teacher Education from the Student Perspective. Trayectorias Universitarias, 10(19), 173. https://doi.org/10.24215/24690090e173