Higher Education and digital culture

The role of the excluded third party in the construction of knowledge





digital culture, information, education, knowledge


The most important aim of this article is to reflect on the ways in which knowledge is built into digital culture, and what could be the critical and proactive contribution of higher education. In the first place, and to achieve this objective, I will analyse a technical theory of information in order to highlight how the process of knowledge acquisition get around from individuals to networks. Secondly, I will try to explain in what sense this process to promove a loss of cognitive experience.

If the diagnosis is plausible, it will be necessary to think how these new logics of knowledge acquisition (dominated by the information overload) can be represented, in order to establish bridges between the Academy and the digital environment.



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How to Cite

Di Berardino, M. A. (2024). Higher Education and digital culture: The role of the excluded third party in the construction of knowledge. Trayectorias Universitarias, 10(19), 166. https://doi.org/10.24215/24690090e166