University teaching against the challenge of educational inclusion

An analysis of the perspectives of first-year teachers




University, Transformations, Challenges, Educational Inclusion


This paper addresses reflections on the ways in which teaching proposals and teaching practices are challenged by the logic and features assumed by contemporary conditions of educational institutions, processes of production and distribution of knowledge, relations of students with knowledge and with teachers, among others, especially since the deployment of inclusive public policies for the democratization of higher education. It focuses especially on the analysis of the reconfiguration of the proposals for the formation of first year chairs in undergraduate university degrees at the UNLP.


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How to Cite

Mariani, E. L. ., Morandi, G. ., & Ros, M. (2019). University teaching against the challenge of educational inclusion: An analysis of the perspectives of first-year teachers. Trayectorias Universitarias, 5(8), 003.