Condiciones de bioseguridad y percepción del riesgo: hacia la construcción de un mapa de riesgo en la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Mapa de riesgo, Bioseguridad, Percepción del riesgo, Instrumento metodológicoAbstract
A risk map represents the risk perception status on biosafety and safety in the workplace of a particular group. The objective of this work was to evaluate an instrument to collect information to build a risk map in the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, National University of La Plata. An exploratory study was performed using voluntary semi-structured interviews and surveys. Participant involvement was low. 89.2% of participants were university teachers and 10.8% were technical staff members with different degrees of training. Biosafety measures use was reported by 84.8 % of the surveyed population, although 66.7 % of them considered those measures insufficient. Biosafety training was reported by 19.6 % of participants, which considered it positive, while 58.7 % indicated absence training. It is concluded that there is confusion with the definition and scope of biosafety, and risk perception is heterogeneous in the surveyed population. The voluntary nature of the study as well as its electronic distribution limited the level of participation and future studies should emphasize representative participation of technical staff.
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