
  • ME Pintos
  • CF Scodellaro
  • CJ Perfumo
  • D Posik
  • MS Arauz


Mycoplasma suis, pig infections, revision


Mycoplasma suis is a microorganism epi-cellular not cultivable, sensitive to tetracycline, which adheres and deform the surface of erythrocyte causing cell lysis. Acute infections in pigs are clinically marked by a life-threatening acute immune hemolytic anemia, hypoglycemia and acidosis. Chronic course is characterized by anemia, poor growth, infertility and immunosuppression. Erythrocytes are necessary for their cycle of life in which adherence and replication mechanisms through surface proteins are yet not well known. Diagnosis of M. suis are due by clinical signs and special stains on blood smears. Currently the more sensitive and specific method is real-time PCR technique.


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How to Cite

Pintos, . M., Scodellaro, C., Perfumo, . C., Posik, . D., & Arauz, M. (2011). Mycoplasma suis INFECTION IN PIGS. A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE. Analecta Veterinary, 31(1), 40–46. Retrieved from



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