Penetration of fosfomycin in HEP-2 cells and its interaction with deoxynivalenol


  • G Martínez
  • AL Soraci
  • MO Tapia


fosfomycin, deoxynivalenol, HEp-2 cells, pigs


Fosfomycin (FOS) is an antibiotic used in swine production for the treatment and prevention of resistant bacteria during the post weaning. The calcium salt form can be used in food or drinking water. Several studies showed the presence of this antibiotic in tissues and fluids such as lungs and bronchial secretions. The HEp-2 line cell is a model to study the penetration of systemically available FOS. Deoxynivalenol (DON) is a mycotoxin produced by Fusarium sp. that contaminates the raw materials and influences the performance of pigs negatively. The aim of this work was to study the penetration of FOS in cell culture lines and evaluate the interactive effect of DON on the penetration of the antibiotic in cell culture lines. The results showed that intracellular antibiotic concentrations in HEp-2 cells incubated with 130 ppm of calcium FOS oscillated between 0.4 and 1.12 mg/ml with a tmax of 8 h. When HEp-2 cells were incubated with FOS and DON, a significant variation was not observed on the cellular penetration of the antibiotic, as regard the Cmax (1.10 ppm) and tmax (12 h). It is concluded that the presence of the mycotoxin would not alter the cellular distribution of FOS in pigs.


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How to Cite

Martínez, G., Soraci, A., & Tapia, M. (2011). Penetration of fosfomycin in HEP-2 cells and its interaction with deoxynivalenol. Analecta Veterinary, 31(2), 23–27. Retrieved from



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