Spatial analysis of in itinere traffic injuries among veterinarians in Santa Fe province
Epidemiologia, Veterinarios, Accidente laboral, percepción de riestosAbstract
In large animal practice, veterinarians must travel frequently and hence, exposing to traffic hazards. The aims of this study were: a) to evaluate frequency and spatial association of commuting accidents in the Santa Fe province, b) to estimate the perception of risks and use of personal protection elements in itinere. An observational study in veterinarians working in large animal practice was carried out. Study design was cross-sectional, the unit of interest was the veterinarian and the target population the large animal practitioners in Santa Fe province. The response rate to a structured questionnaire was 75.8 % (n = 562). Answers were anonymous. Data analysis included Spearman rank correlation, and the search for clusters in heterogeneously distributed populations using SatScan 9.2. The frequency of traffic accidents was 14.8 %. A spatial cluster (p = 0.017) was found in the Southeastern region of the province (relative risk= 0.42). Frequency of practitioners that suffered accidents was decreased from North to South. Travelling on paved main roads was perceived riskier than travelling on dirt rural roads. Turning on low lights during the day and wearing seat belt were independent form risk perceptions. Since the frequency of accidents is high among large animal practitioners, new educational strategies must be designed to avoid further damages.
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