Porcine behavior study: an ethological view on swine production


  • Paula Arroyo IGEVET
  • Hector Ricardo Ferrari
  • Alicia Graciela Antonini




pig production, ethology, animal welfare


The comprehension of behavior allows to improve the animal handling used in production and optimize their welfare. The discipline of the biological sciences that addresses this issue is ethology. Based on the theory of evolution, it emphasizes four types of explanations, known as the “four questions of Tinbergen”. Are these four approaches useful for the applicated ethology in swine production? Can research on ethology contribute to better breeding conditions? Fundamentally, are they relevant for animal’s welfare? Today, some practices performed in an “intuitive” or “empirical” way can be identified as “the silent help” in which ethology has contributed in each productive stage since the beginning of the use of the domestic animals breeding, particularly when it turns into an intensive manner. This silent help generated a combination of specific knowledge which paradoxically do not relate with this discipline. It is proposed here by giving the voice to this help, identifying the different ethologist developments in swine production.


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How to Cite

Arroyo, P., Ferrari, H. R., & Antonini, A. G. (2018). Porcine behavior study: an ethological view on swine production. Analecta Veterinary, 38(1), 23–32. https://doi.org/10.24215/15142590e022



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