Effect of electrochemically activated water addition to the drinking water of feedlot cattle of Buenos Aires province


  • Karina Pellicer
  • Victoria Brusa
  • Julián de la Torre
  • Diego Real
  • María Pía Silvestrini
  • Corina Bainotti
  • Oscar Osella
  • Julio Copes




electroactivated water, feedlot, cattle, E. coli, Salmonella spp., growth promoter


The general objective of the work was to evaluate the consumption of electroactivated water (AE) in feedlot cattle; the particular objectives were: 1. to determine the presence of E. coli O157 and Salmonella spp. in feces and 2. determine its efficiency as a promoter of growth. One hundred and fifty animals were grouped into 4 lots (L). The L1 was treated with 0.3 %, 1.5 % and 3.0 % of EAW; L2 with 0.3 % and 1.5 %; L3 with 0.3 % and L4 was not treated. In each of the 4 visits to the feedlot the animals were weighed and fecal samples were taken. Also, in the 4th visit, blood samples were taken. Fecal samples were analyzed to determine the presence of E. coli O157 and Salmonella spp. In the blood samples, pH, bicarbonate, sodium, potassium, chlorine, and total hemoglobin were determined. Data were analyzed using Infostat software. With respect to weight gain, tendency in favor of L2 and L3 after 60 days of treatment could be due to the growth promoter effect of EAW consumption. Fecal samples were positive for E. coli O157 in 3.3% for L2 at 60 days, and for Salmonella spp. in 3.3% and 1.6% for L3 and L4 after 90 days of treatment, respectively. No alterations were observed in the reference values of the evaluated blood parameters. The addition of EAW to the drinking water of feedlot cattle could be used as a growth promoter.


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How to Cite

Pellicer, K., Brusa, V., de la Torre, J., Real, D., Silvestrini, M. P., Bainotti, C., Osella, O., & Copes, J. (2018). Effect of electrochemically activated water addition to the drinking water of feedlot cattle of Buenos Aires province. Analecta Veterinary, 38(1), 9–15. https://doi.org/10.24215/15142590e020



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