The impact of Harmonized System on Rules of Origin


  • Rafael Cornejo Origen.Digital



rules of origin, harmonized system, trade facilitation, tariff correlations, Trade Agreements


This article analyzes the impact of the Harmonized System (HS) on rules of origin based on changes in tariff classification. In particular, it addresses the distortions caused by the limited implementation of and the delayed adaptation to the requirements established in successive versions of the SA.

The article centers on the impact of these delays. It demonstrates that the expiration of rules of origin in most agreements has diminished trade transparency, causing errors and other discrepancies. This issue is further aggravated by the notorious preeminence of changes in classification rules of origin. The resulting situation undoubtedly constitutes a breach of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement provisions.


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Author Biography

Rafael Cornejo, Origen.Digital

Cuarenta años de experiencia en comercio internacional. Especialista en Integración Latinoamericana, Tratados de Libre Comercio, Facilitación de Comercio, Acceso a Mercado con especial énfasis en reglas de origen. Dieciocho años suministrando asistencia técnica a las mesas de negociación de Acceso a Mercados y Reglas de Origen de las principales negociaciones comerciales y de convergencia de América Latina. Relevante experiencia en el diseño de sistemas informáticos relacionados con el comercio exterior. CEO de Origen.Digital.


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How to Cite

Cornejo, R. . (2022). The impact of Harmonized System on Rules of Origin. Revista Aportes Para La Integración Latinoamericana, (46), 040.