Business in Colombian trade negotiations: two-level games in the G-3 and the pacific alliance


  • Rita Giacalone UDLA


This comparative analysis of business participation in the negotiation of the Group of Three Free Trade Agreement (G-3, 1994) and the Pacific Alliance (PA, 2012) aims at assessing the validity of Robert Putnam´s two-level game when applied to international negotiations between developing nations. Economic policy changes locked in by the treaties, as well as actors´ preferences and positions, are explored in the first two sections. The third one compares business participation in the study cases, discusses Putnam´s approach, and establishes the need to make adjustments in different aspects of the two-level game.


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Author Biography

Rita Giacalone, UDLA

Ph. D. en Historia y Master of Arts (Historia), Indiana University. Profesora Titular del Centro de investigaciones Agroalimentarias (CIAAL), Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales (FACES), Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela. Coordinadora del Grupo de Integración Regional (GRUDIR). Autora de numerosas publicaciones de su especialidad



How to Cite

Giacalone, R. (2015). Business in Colombian trade negotiations: two-level games in the G-3 and the pacific alliance. Revista Aportes Para La Integración Latinoamericana, (32), 1–28. Retrieved from