“El diablo en el ADN”
Promiscuidad, infidelidad, violencia y violación según la sociobiología de Barash y la psicología evolucionista de Buss
This paper attempts to visualize some forms of biological determinism about behavioral differences between men and women, who are operating within two scientific disciplines that are strongly criticized because of the political implications of their statements: the sociobiology and the evolutionary psychology. Both disciplines argue that human behavior is biologically and genetically determined, and is also a product of evolution. Hence, this paper proposes to analyze some discourses of two representatives of these disciplines, David Barash and David Buss, on some controversial issues: the promiscuity, infidelity, physical violence against women and rape. It aims to show how their arguments and contentions on these issues not only tend to naturalize and reinforce prevailing gender stereotypes, but also contain a high degree of danger if they are eventually used to justify and legitimize situations of submission and dominance over women.
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