Caracterizaciones de la perspectiva bioética en la clínica de Odontología


  • Martín G. E. Zemel Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata y Conicet


The assessment of dental practice bioethics tries located in the everyday life of the Discipline. This is reflected in the ongoing review of educational processes, communications, legal and other related to the exercise of the traditional rule bioethics and current legal requirement of informed consent. This study aimed to contribute to the improvement of educational processes related to Clinical Bioethics. It conducted a closed design with a descriptive observational research having as variables: a. "Bioethics Dental theoretical aspects" in graduate assistants and teachers b. "Ethical-clinical issues" related to clinical information, confidentiality and clinical care dental c. "Protocols of care for patients." We have a sample of 40 graduate teachers. The instrument of work involved a survey of structured type, closed and anonymous record sought valuations that respondents had about bioethical issues raised in its post-graduate clinical and space that they occupied in their educational programming.

While raised different issues related to the difficulties and strengths of the inclusion of bioethics, most of the graduate teachers (95%) were willing to include new educational spaces within their courses. The training of professionals can be held with the participation of patients as subjects of teaching-learning process in which they are presented with the risks and benefits. This task is based then on the right of patients to decide about their own health.


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Author Biography

Martín G. E. Zemel, Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata y Conicet

Doctor en Odontología, Beca Interna Postdoctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Técnicas y Científicas (CONICET), Docente-investigador de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata.


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How to Cite

Zemel, M. G. E. . (2021). Caracterizaciones de la perspectiva bioética en la clínica de Odontología. Law and Social Sciences, (7), 130–145. Retrieved from