Derechos humanos e información: de la privacidad a la efectiva igualdad de oportunidades en el contexto de salud


  • Graciela de Ortúzar Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral- Conicet


In this paper the right to be informed in health care will be analyzed. In the first part, two related human rights will be defined and ethically analyzed: the right to information and knowledge and the right to health care. In the second part, a current controversial case will be analyzed: the regulation of genetic information, known as "supra-sensitive  information”.  As a general hypothesis I propose that the protection of sensitive information in health care not only implies issues of privacy but also and especially issues of justice in the use of that information in health care.  The regulation of such information, at national and international level, should therefore depend on the context of use (medical and non-medical). It would then be possible to: a) generate equal opportunities in the access of information and new technologies in health care; b) constrain the commercial use of this medical information and limit the number of patents and new products obtained for this medical information; without the consent of the patient; c) protect the use of this information for non medical aims (private insurance, security, etc).


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Author Biography

Graciela de Ortúzar, Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral- Conicet

Dra. en Filosofía, UNLP; Prof. Adjunta Ética, UNPA; Investigadora Adjunta CONICET -


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How to Cite

de Ortúzar, G. . (2021). Derechos humanos e información: de la privacidad a la efectiva igualdad de oportunidades en el contexto de salud. Law and Social Sciences, (3), 189–204. Retrieved from