La Reforma Universitaria en una ciudad letrada


  • Gustavo Vallejo Conicet


This article is an attempt to approach the concept of the University Reform, not only as a historical event but also as a lasting idea. After 90 years, it is still alive and projected into the present by means of a myth which is constantly recalled. Our aim, in this paper, is to clarify some events which contributed to sustain the myth from La Plata, as learned city. Furthermore, we’ll investigate several aspects which are the essence of the University Reform. They include a system of exercise of power which broadened rights, as well as, demanding at the same time, a strong compromise from the participants, and the description of situations where the manipulation of the myth is a way for conceal  certain bureaucratic processes which reduce the basic principles  of 1918 to simple formalities.


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Author Biography

Gustavo Vallejo, Conicet

Universidad Nacional de La Plata- Conicet


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How to Cite

Vallejo, G. (2021). La Reforma Universitaria en una ciudad letrada. Law and Social Sciences, (1), 54–70. Retrieved from