Discourses and episteme regarding economic rights: the iter from the antipodes to the feasibility of conciliation


  • Julio Francisco Villarreal Instituo A Gioja. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina




paradigms, gnoseological determinism, epistemic incommensurability, epistemic communities


This paper analyses the gnoseological limits that restrict the contrasting of different paradigms. To this, a methodological programme is sketched in order to circumvent the apparent state of epistemic stagnation in which researchers may find themselves in the assumptions in which the theses under debate, as regards the heuristics of the sensitive material of study, reveal such a deleterious condition. It is argued that, in order to overcome the aforementioned state, the debate between different conceptual schemes can hardly be a sufficient condition. It is necessary to find new empirical regularities within each of the paradigms of reference or the adoption of new epistemological approaches, dissimilar to the traditional ones.


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Author Biography

Julio Francisco Villarreal, Instituo A Gioja. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Abogado (Universidad de Buenos Aires) Magister en Relaciones Internacionales y Diplomacia (CollegeofEurope). Maestrando en Relaciones Internacionales (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Derecho). Doctorando en Sociología del Derecho (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Derecho). Investigador Adscripto al Instituto A. Gioja de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Investigador UBACYT. julio.villarreal@coleurope.eu


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How to Cite

Villarreal, J. F. . (2021). Discourses and episteme regarding economic rights: the iter from the antipodes to the feasibility of conciliation. Law and Social Sciences, (24), 083. https://doi.org/10.24215/18522971e083