Labour Law and Neoliberalism(s)
labour law, neoliberalism, political economy, labour precarisation, right-wing populismAbstract
Despite their proven ineffectiveness, proposals seeking to reform labour legislation to increase flexibility as a means to boost job creation and reduce labour informality periodically resurface. This article argues that, rather than representing isolated initiatives, these proposals have a deeper objective of restructuring labour systems rather than simply deregulating them. Based on historical analysis, labour sociology, and political economy, the article examines how neoliberal governments, through specific labour reforms, aim to reconfigure the labour-capital conflict. The article analyses changes in labour legislation during neoliberal cycles in Argentina, from the initial phase of 1976-2001 to the current government of Milei. To highlight the foundational nature of these reforms, the article introduces the concept of “neoliberal labour law,” contrasting it with the labour law that prevailed in the post-war period from the 1940s to the 1970s. While the article mainly focuses on the Argentinian case, its findings have broader implications for global discussions on labour law, making three key contributions. First, it challenges predominant understandings of labour law only as that of its expansion period (1940-1970) and, instead, highlights its different trajectories and temporalities. Second, it underscores the centrality of neoliberalism as a political, economic, and legal project in shaping the labour-capital conflict. Finally, it presents the current “right-wing populist shift” as a continuation rather than merely a break with the previous neoliberal phase.
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