Operadores de la justicia, operadores educativos y control social


  • Felipe Fucito Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, UNLP y Facultad de Derecho, UBA


In the real world, there is a wide gap between the legal or ethical “should be” and the actual practice. Therefore, it is necessary to declare that unless the cultural patterns change, the official regulations or the never failing utopian repressions, are useless. The cultural subordination to international political and legal contexts and also to the technological realities which hardly ever coincide with local regulations, blur the overall picture.

When the actual frameworks are analysed, two different paradigms are observed. On the one hand, the General, Western One versus the Latin American or National One. The General or Western paradigm can be summed up as: “ Rising in the social scale, playing an important role in society and becoming rich” as the only model for life. The National paradigm is characterized by three centuries of degradation and/ or lack of laws. This process has not yet been overcome.

It is not surprising, then, that as time goes by,  the professional Ethics of almost any activity, is less put into practice.  The rules of the market plus Darwin’s survival of the fittest, and the lack of regulatory systems, justify almost anything. And anyone who does not comply with these working rules, will be left out of the system.

Education should be one of the keys to change this situation. It should not only be any kind of education, but also one which pursues Ethical Rules and Justice, leaving the economy in its right place, as a means for everyday life.

The concept of different Social Controls has been criticized and associated with  tiranny and repression. Social Controls are mere regulatory systems to be observed  which should not become the law of the country, and finally turn into laws which are never fulfilled, either because nobody considers himself capable or  does his share.


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Author Biography

Felipe Fucito, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, UNLP y Facultad de Derecho, UBA

Abogado. Dr en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales .Titular de Introducción a la Sociología y Sociología Jurídica en la FCJyS, UNLP. Titular de Sociología en la FD-UBA. Profesor de posgrado en UNLP y UBA. Correo electrónico:


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How to Cite

Fucito, F. . (2021). Operadores de la justicia, operadores educativos y control social. Law and Social Sciences, (1), 3–17. Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/dcs/article/view/11295