Public Health Accesibility Crisis in Post-Pandemic Times
public health, human rights, social work, accesibilityAbstract
This article reflects on the concept of accessibility in the context of health care in different effects, focusing on care in the general acute hospitals of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires in the post-pandemic era.From a qualitative approach, the article describes the dimensions that hinder or affect people's accessibility to health care in public hospitals from the professional criteria of social work, which is crossed by the social and cultural context of a certain historical era. The relevance of this study lies in the fact that, by supporting a perspective of Human Rights and the Right to Comprehensive Health, it highlights those obstacles in accessibility that interfere in the Health-Illness-Care process, violating the rights of the people with whom the health professionals carry out their interventions.
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Ley 153 de 1999. Ley Básica de Salud de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. 22 de marzo de 1999. D. O. No. 703.
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